Some comments on the paging spec

Some comments on the paging spec:

1. Section 5.1 says " A server can offer links that support forward and/or backward traversal of the pages, but it has to offer at least one."  So, it can support only backwards traversal.  But then 5.2.1 says "LDP Paging servers <> may respond to requests for a resource by redirecting to the first page of the resource and, with that, returning a next page link <> containing the URL for the next page."

So, if you access a paged resource do you always get the first page back?  If so, you always need a "next" link.

2. Section 5.1 says " LDP Paging defines a mechanism for informing clients that the paged resource <> has been changed ..."  but the mechanism is not spelled out in any detail. does discuss eTags but a few more words clarifying that this is the mechanism that can be used
to detect if the collection has changed would be good.

3.  Example 4 needs to include a "prev" link.

I will reread after John's update and may have more comments.
All the best, Ashok

Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 15:52:22 UTC