Re: ldp-ISSUE-99: Validate the JSON-LD examples of the primer [Primer]

Hi all,

When validating JSON-LD examples in the primer, the validators run into to
cross-origin issues because they have to fetch the context from a different
document. Apparently this can be prevented by setting the appropriate CORS
headers when responding to the context files but I am not sure whether we
can do that in the hg repository. The other alternative is to simply
embedded the context in the examples though it will increase the length of
the examples a bit.

For example, the following Turtle representation

@prefix ldp: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix bt: <> .

</tracker/ldp-demo/> a ldp:DirectContainer;
  ldp:membershipResource </tracker/ldp-demo/#it>;
  ldp:hasMemberRelation bt:hasBug;
  dcterms:title "Product description of LDP Demo product which is also an
  ldp:contains <bug4> , <bug67> .

</tracker/ldp-demo/#it> a bt:Product;
  dcterms:title "LDP Demo";
  bt:hasBug <bug4>, <bug67> .

will be converted to the following JSON-LD representation.
   { "@context": {
      "dc": "",
      "ldp": "",
      "bt": "" },
      "@id": "",
      "@type": [ "ldp:DirectContainer", "bt:Product"],
      "dc:title": "Product description of the LDP Demo product which is
also an LDP-DC",
      "ldp:contains": [{ "@id": "bug3"}, { "@id": "bug4"}],
      "ldp:hasMemberRelation": { "@id": "bt:hasBug"},
      "ldp:membershipResource": { "@id": "#it"}
      "@context": { "dc": "",
                    "ldp": "",
                     "bt": "" },
      "@id": "#it",
      "@type": "bt:Product",
      "dc:title": "LDP Demo",
      "bt:hasBug": [{ "@id": "bug3"}, { "@id": "bug4"} ]

Does any of you JSON-LD experts know a better/neater represent the above
JSON-LD representation?

Best Regards,

On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group
Issue Tracker <> wrote:

> ldp-ISSUE-99: Validate the JSON-LD examples of the primer  [Primer]
> Raised by: Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
> On product: Primer
> Address the issues raised by Gregg Kellogg.
> 1. check how to set CORS authorization to the header for the context file.
> 2. validate the examples in
> 3. Make sure that context applies all the objects when there multiple top
> level objects like in example 3.1.

Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 09:31:19 UTC