Hi Cody,
>From a process point of view, this is not up to others to decide. It's
entirely up to you. As a W3C member Base22 can choose to have as many
representatives as you'd like on the WG.
Simply follow the instructions on the following page:
In practice, while it may be harder for someone new to get up to speed
that late in the game, all knowledgeable person willing to contribute
constructively is welcome!
Arnaud Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group
From: Cody Burleson <cody.burleson@base22.com>
To: Arnaud Le Hors/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS, Linked Data Platform WG
Cc: Miguel Aragón <miguel.aragon@base22.com>
Date: 02/13/2014 09:29 AM
Subject: Question regarding involving another member on my team
As you may be aware, we have started implementation of our LDP and we've
gotten to a point where Miguel Aragón, one of our developers, has learned
as much, if not more, than me. He is, on a day-to-day basis, more heavily
involved with actually trying to interpret and implement to the
sp[specification. Recently, he has had a lot of questions and suggestions
regarding the spec and rather than acting as some kind of proxy for him, I
think it could be better if we allowed him to participate in the Working
Is there anything formal that we would need to do other than asking all
members if they would mind having Miguel as a late entry into the group?
Cody Burleson