Re: Proposal: change following to informative - 5.3.1 thread

> 5.3.1 - rdf (ONLY sentence two - any subject) 
> -1 : sure, RDF allows any subject in a triple; however the intent 
> here is to point to the fact that "membership triples" are not bound
> to have the LDPC as subject

It's probably better to take this one off the table.  First, because I see 
your point ;-)  so good catch.  Second, because the entire rule needs to 
be fixed to account for the inverse membership case.  We can just handle 
it separately, it's more complex than what I was trying to handle in the 
original proposal.

Best Regards, John

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Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 13:22:44 UTC