Re: optimizing container pages serialization to enable streaming

On 11/11/2013 01:43 PM, Wilde, Erik wrote:
> hello alexandre.
> On 2013-11-11, 10:34 , "Alexandre Bertails" <> wrote:
>> +1. A server would be lying to a client if it returns [[ Content-Type:
>> text/turtle ]] while adding some extra constraints like paging. Paging
>> is not a conservative extension for already defined RDF resources and
>> this cannot simply be fixed with a Link header.
> it wouldn't hurt if the server serves such a constrained RDF
> serialization, since it is in fact a valid text/turtle document. however,
> clients cannot depend on this, so it should not be part of LDP at all. if
> it is part of LDP, then LDP server implementations cannot use generic
> turtle serializers anymore, and need a specific serialization component
> just to meet that constraint. that's equivalent to the "yes, it kind of
> looks like XML, but you cannot do these three things, so it actually isn't
> XML" approach i was mentioning earlier. that's proven to create
> substantial unhappiness, because it effectively disallows the use of
> off-the-shelf components for standard tasks such as serialization.

I agree.


> cheers,
> dret.

Received on Monday, 11 November 2013 18:47:21 UTC