Re: optimizing container pages serialization to enable streaming

On 11/11/2013 12:48 PM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> During the call, I asserted that seeing
>    <ContainerX> ldp:membershipRule [];
> with default properties assumed for the blank node doesn't prevent
> future non-monotonic assertions (e.g.
>    Class: <ContainerX>
>        SubClassOf: (
>            ldp:membershipRule some (
>                ldp:insertedContentRelation some foo:bar))
> ). While strictly true, the issue here is not monotonicity but
> pragmatic ordered serialization to enable a client to interpret
> the data as it arrives. Let's call that "streaming".

Why am I thinking that specifying an order on the streamed RDF triples
does not feel like RDF anymore?

Are we specifying a state machine?


> To Henry's point, we could enable streaming and enable defaults by
> adding a ldp:membershipRule along with a change to 5.3.1 (and tweaks
> to the pending mods to Membership triples):
>   s[[
> 5.3.1 The representation of a LDPC MUST contain a set of membership
> triples following one of the consistent patterns from that
> definition. The membership-constant-URI of the triples MAY be the
> container itself or MAY be another resource (as in the example).  See
> also 5.2.3.
> ]][[
> 5.3.1 The representation of a LDPC MUST contain exactly one
> ldp:membershipRules statement with the subject of the
> membership-constant-URI and an object a blank node. All membership
> triples use this blank node as the subject. The
> membership-constant-URI of the triples MAY be the container itself or
> MAY be another resource (as in the example).  See also 5.2.3.
> ]]
> Observant readers of the spec will probably notice that it'd be wise
> to serialize this at the beginning of the page, but we can point that
> out in informative text under 5.3.1, in the primer, or both.
> The downside is that membership triples really aren't about the blank
> node but instead about the membership-constant-URI which has a
> ldp:membershipRule relationship to the blank node. Also, bnodes freak
> some people out, but that's probably pretty managable.

Received on Monday, 11 November 2013 18:18:55 UTC