On 29 Jan 2013, at 14:52, "Wilde, Erik" <Erik.Wilde@emc.com> wrote:
> hello henry.
> On 2013-01-29 14:42 , "Henry Story" <henry.story@bblfish.net> wrote:
>> Here is a way to do selective deletion of large numbers of contents
>> whilst still allowing container deletion semantics we have:
>> PATCH /container HTTP/1.1
>> ...
>> DELETE { <> rdfs:member ?c . ?c dc:created </jack#me> }
> this uses SPARQL as the PATCH media type, right? what's the subset of
> SPARQL you're having in mind here, is it all of SPARQL, some already
> defined subset somewhere, or something new?
Whatever makes sense. There are SPARQL experts here who could tell
us what is the simplest thing to specify, and we could check how
difficult it is to code it from scratch.
But the point is just that with something like that we start having
solutions to a lot of interesting problems:
1 - it becomes easier to argue for an ldp:link element in a container
because we can see what it would take to add them.
( I know you'd like it )
2 - clever deletion for containers elements. As above delete containers
elements that satisfy some contraints.
3 - patching graphs is going to be a huge efficiency win over PUTing the whole
content again when one needs to make small error corrections.
It's just going to be all out useful. So rather than making things compicated
elsewhere, why not work on patch and then we have a tool to solve all kinds
of problems simultaneously.
> thanks and cheers,
> dret.
Social Web Architect