Model questions

A few weeks ago I had asked some questions about the LDP model on the Wiki page:
This is an attempt to assess where we are with these questions today and what we should
do to answer them.

1. We need to be able to create and delete collections.

Steve S indicates that there is agreement that the client should be able
to create collections.  This is good,
but we have not agreed on a mechanism to create collections although
there has been a good deal of mail on the subject.  Perhaps we need to
open an issue:  How are Collections Created?

2. When a collection is deleted are its members deleted also?
This is the composition vs. aggregation question.  We closed issue but I don't think
the matter is settled.

We agree that both composition and aggregation are needed but we
don't have agreement on mechanisms.
covers a part of it.

There seem to be three proposals:
A.  Use an attribute on the collection to indicate composition or aggregation
B.  Use two separate classes for composition and aggregation
C.  Delete all members when a collection is deleted.  Use links to cover the
aggregation case.

Perhaps we need an issue to decide on the mechanism.

3. Can collections contain collections?
There seems to be agreement that, yes, collections can contain collections.
There also seems to be agreement that collections are LDPRs and should
be added to collections like any other LDPR.  I think this is settled but, personally,
I would like to see a line in the spec saying collections can be added to collections
just like any other LDPR rather than leaving this as an exercise for the reader.

4. Does each LDP model have/need a service document?
The question is whether we need a starting point to start navigation and
create collections etc.  There has been some mail on this.  I'm not sure where
the WG stands on this but I don't think this is a crucial question for the model.
I'm happy to withdraw it.

This is my assessment of the situation.  I know I don't have to say this to this
group, but don't be shy and send mail if you disagree
All the best, Ashok

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 01:22:28 UTC