Re: LDPRs, LDPCs and the mysterious X

hello all.

On 2013-01-25 12:33 , "Henry Story" <> wrote:
>Furthermore deleting a directory requires deleting all its members, and
>deleting a member of an
>directory deletes it from the directory listing, exactly the way
>ldp:Containers are meant to work.

as arnaud pointed out a while ago, in reality file systems are a bit more
nuanced in their capabilities and interpretation than that. for example,
depending on whether a directory contains had-links or soft-links,
deletion semantics are different, and they even depend on the number of
hard-links before a file is actually deleted.

if we think that a file system analogy helps, then maybe we should at
least use distributed file systems and their decentralized authority and
control for our model.



Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 14:43:48 UTC