Re: ISSUE-36: Summary of ways of making containers

>>>> Let's say that LDP is the web for robots (i.e. HTML is replaced by RDF,
>>>> hypermedia -> hyperdata). What is the application out there on the human
>>>> web which requires container creation, which we also need to offer to our
>>>> robotic clients ?
> You go to facebook and you get an account for example. Think of 
> as the initial collection,
> you POST something there and you get a new collection
> Then you get certain rights to do what you want in there.
> In my view, most resources returned from there should say that
> I am the creator, when I am ( in the header ).
>>> any kind of app that wants to include LDP services in its own services,
>>> and that wants to provide collection creation (explicitly, or for data
>>> management reasons) as part of its services.
>> if that's the case, then it's part of the application, and in which case, not something we need to worry about. 
> You want to give an application that you don't control some space in your
> space to upload stuff ( contracts, cat pictures, ... ) but you want to limit
> who can see what they upload or not: so you create a collection for them
> where you can sandbox them.


Don't you think Facebook would be in a chaos if they allowed people to create stuff in that way ... ?
I would suggest that when you POST to create your bblfish resource that the *server* expands the graph around you at around the same time; some related collections (photos albums - with a sandbox album inside, groups, etc etc ...), suggested friend recommendations, etc ... The collections would start mostly empty - ready to be found and filled. 


>>> let's take an app that allows
>>> people to manage giant amounts of LDP-style data. it uses some scalable
>>> LDP service in the cloud. when a new client joins that app, a new
>>> collection in created for this client, where the client can now manage RDF
>>> data.
>>> in addition, the app does value-added things that help the user to
>>> better manage their data than through vanilla LDP. in such a scenario, the
>>> LDP cloud service needs to provide a service for creating collections,
>>> since there is no other way for the value-added app to talk to it; there
>>> is no behind-the-scenes connection between the LDP service and the
>>> value-added app.
>>> do you think this scenario qualifies?
>> You have essentially presented me with a very generic data management application as a scenario. And even in this case, there is still an application which drives that generic data management ... 
>> So why are we worrying about client driven container creation ? I believe that the webby way is that when this necessary, then the server will make it an option. So, client directed container creation is always a red herring. 
> I think one can come up with tons of examples like this.
>> Roger
>>> cheers,
>>> dret.
> Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 20:28:44 UTC