Re: ISSUE-37: the Graph and Links model

hello raul.

On 2013-01-15 16:17 , "Raúl García Castro" <> wrote:
>I think that Roger is not referring to a service document.
>What I have understood as a root resource is something like the
>index.html page; the root page from which you can navigate through the
>content in a web server.

that's what a service document is doing in AtomPub. it lists all
workspaces and collections, and then you can start interacting with them
from there.

>In our case, we could have an index/root resource from which you can
>access other resources in a server. Or at least some suggestion on how
>to name it so clients know.

i am not sure we should suggest a name, but probably not. if we do, maybe
looking at might be interesting. i
think it would be sufficient to have a good starting point that exposes
all necessary interaction affordances. clients just have to know that URI,
in the same way as clients on the web in general have to know the server
they want to start interacting with (or they get linked to it from



Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2013 12:08:42 UTC