Re: The Intuitive/ Requirement

hello kingsley.

On 2013-02-26 16:57 , "Kingsley Idehen" <> wrote:
>Believe or not, s/URI/URL/g makes this all simpler to understand.
>A URL has specific characteristics e.g., the fact that URLs denote Web

not necessarily. URLs according to the classical view
( are simply URIs that
locate, so they can be ftp or whatever else schemes exist that have
addressing capabilities.

>Thus far, this has been all about modelling a RESTful mechanism for
>creating files and directories all of which you denote using URLs.

what makes you think LDP is about creating files and directories? it's
about managing resources, and if there is anything we have learned from
the past months, it's that an analogy to files/directories is not
something that helps a lot.

>URLs should be hackable [4] while URIs should be opaque [5].

hackable URIs are nice but optional and strictly an implementation issue,
and no media type should depend on them.



Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:03:46 UTC