ISSUE-37 proposed text intro section

hello. is the intro section of
the proposed "model section". henry  has suggested an alternative version
of the intro text, and arnaud asked me to move this forward. instead of
proposing alternative texts (which then are hard to compare, for example i
really don't know how to best compare the two alternative versions of the
intro text that we now have), i propose the following process:

we'll move through this bit by bit, with me being the editor. for each
section, i'll post the proposed text on the wiki, and will send an email.
any changes then can be discussed on the list, and we should come to
conclusions fairly quickly. once we haven't received change requests
within let's say 48hrs, a section is closed for discussion. this way we
can move forward, have a focused discussion, and hopefully make some
progress. we need the model asap, and maybe that's one way of getting us
there. i am a bit disappointed that my previous approach produced so
little feedback, but then again we have so many parallel threads on the
list that it's definitely hard to keep track of what's going on. maybe
with a more focused and incremental approach, we'll be able to move things
forward more effectively.



Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 14:49:12 UTC