Re: Question regarding POST versus PUT for creating an LDPC

Hi Erik,
So, you're saying that somehow the server needs to advertise what URLs the 
client can use to create resources using PUT, right?
We've already agreed to adding support for slugs on POST to a container. 
How can we use them to let the server tell the client what URLs it can PUT 
to? Wouldn't that be another use case for URL templates?
Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

"Wilde, Erik" <> wrote on 04/17/2013 11:13:22 AM:

> From: "Wilde, Erik" <>
> To: Arnaud Le Hors/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS, "" 
> <>, 
> Date: 04/17/2013 11:16 AM
> Subject: Re: Question regarding POST versus PUT for creating an LDPC
> hello arnaud.
> On 2013-04-17 8:11 , "Arnaud Le Hors" <> wrote:
> >The spec allows creating resources using PUT [1] but it recommends to
> >POST to a container as a way to do so [2]. The spec further specifies
> >that containers can be created the same way, since they are resources. 
> >[1] 4.4.6 LDPR servers MAY choose to allow the creation of new 
> >using HTTP PUT.
> so where do you PUT these? or more specifically, what are the hyperlinks
> that allow a client to understand which URIs it can use? AtomPub has a
> Slug header which has implicit magic in it, saying that it concatenates
> the collection URI with a server-approved variation of the Slug 
> this is basically an HTTP header hard-coding a URI template. right now,
> the LDP spec does not seem to provide any support for a client to figure
> out where to PUT to, for create-by-PUT scenarios.
> cheers,
> dret.

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 21:02:03 UTC