Re: Trying to close ISSUE-14

hello raul.

On 2013-04-02 01:50 , "Raúl García Castro" <> wrote:
>An LDPC server can indicate to a client the ordering of members in a
>container page using an ldp:containerOrder property. This property has
>as range a list of resources with two properties:
>.- ldp:containerSortPredicate, which defines the property used for sorting
>.- ldp:containerSortOrder, which defines the ordering (ascending or
>descending) and is optional

just reiterating the discussion with richard about his proposals: ordering
can be entirely server-driven (i.e., not based on anything in the visible
data). in this case, we might need some sort key in the data or something
along those lines. that key would not have any relevance as actual data,
it would simply be used to represent the sort order of the container.



Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 16:38:42 UTC