Re: BPR: Is redirection permitted?

On 10/15/12 10:31 AM, Gavin Carothers wrote:
>> >Arnaud's position seems odd to me.  Dereferencable URLs are always good IMO, but should Linked Data become somehow invalid if a URI doesn't dereference?  Of course not.  That suggests that dereferencable URLs are just a Good Thing, but not mandatory, just as they are in RDF.
> Of course! The dereferencablity of a URI can change either from
> network errors, or the simple passage of time. Just 'cause you can't
> dereference a URI today doesn't mean it work work just fine in a day
> or two.
> --Gavin


Yes, de-reference is time variant.

David: The statement above doesn't invalidate the requirement that 
Linked Data URIs have to be de-referencable. The de-reference 
characteristic != what happens at data access request time, since all 
data access calls on the Web are based on the time variant nature of 
actual data state.



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 16:05:02 UTC