Agenda for October 8, 2012 or is it for October 15? (please, read and reply!)

Hi everyone,

Sandro brought up to our attention that Monday is a US holiday (Columbus 
day) and he's not sure how this will affect attendance at the meeting. 
While Erik can't attend (for independent reasons) I plan to attend and 
prepared an agenda:

We have much to do before the face to face meeting and I would much rather 
we hold the meeting but obviously we can only do so if we have enough 
people on the call. So, please, everyone quickly reply and indicate 
whether you will make it or not.

Consider that we will hold it until I say otherwise. :-)
Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Friday, 5 October 2012 03:26:16 UTC