Re: ISSUE-37: how to proceed

hello andy.

thanks for the feedback!

On 2012-11-23 02:18 , "Andy Seaborne" <>
>On 21/11/12 17:23, Wilde, Erik wrote:
>>you're an optimist, and i like that! however, i don't think that our
>> will magically converge (there are just many different ways to model
>> domain).
>Two steps:
>Having statement of what people's views are would be a good start.
>Then draw out a framework and identify the key points of difference.

my thought was that maybe starting with a framework (such as a couple of
key questions and structuring them into sections along the lines of and
then asking people to provide their views within the constraints of that
framework might give us a better starting point for discussions and
decisions. without this, different descriptions might be hard to compare.

>A wiki page is better for the statements of experience and viewpoints
>than email messages because it is input to a discussion, not a
>discussion of the view.  It (a wiki page) is longer lasting as well.

wiki might be good, but instead of being free-form, maybe having some
table there with key model design issues, and then having people create
new columns for their personal view? more effort to setup, but then more
efficient for comparing and deciding.



Received on Friday, 23 November 2012 17:22:31 UTC