Re: How to request for the number of members of a container ?


just me doing my usual AtomPub comparison...

On 2012-11-19 13:36 , "Olivier Berger" <>
>I cannot seem to quickly find a mention on how one may "query" a LDP
>Container for it's number of contained members/Resources... (call it
>count / len(gth) "primitives", if you will) :-/

Atom or AtomPub never talk about this, because essentially,
feeds/collections often are constantly evolving things. talks about "complete" feeds, but that
just means that the feed is supposed to be stable. you'd still have to
page through it and count to know how many things are in there. part of
the reason is that many feeds are not really actually existing,
physically. they are queries into data limited by the query itself, and
you don't want to actually query for all entries for performance reasons.
it would be easy to add some markup to Atom that would expose the number
of entries, and one example for this is the totalResults element of



Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 21:47:26 UTC