Re: LDP service discovery.

> From: Andrei SAMBRA <>
> To:, 
> Date: 11/12/2012 05:09 PM
> Subject: LDP service discovery.
> Hello all,
> I've been thinking a lot recently about bootstrapping LDP, so I went 
> at the LDP ontology and I couldn't find any mention of the concept of an 
> endpoint. Wouldn't it be useful to have some sort of ldp:Seed or 
> ldp:Endpoint class which can then be used in the process of discovery 
> adding it to a user's FOAF card)? In this case, when a user 
> (say using WebID) to a service, the service will immediately know where 
> can potentially store user data.
> Is this something worth opening an action for, or would you consider it 
> something that should be part of the "use cases and requirements" wiki 
> Best,
> Andrei

I did a quick check to see if there was anything explicitly but not sure 
ISSUE-7 covers it completely and it is being proposed to be closed saying 
it is covered by new issues.

The process to insert new use cases is to open an issue assigned the 
product to the UC&R.

I think one way to position the question or use case, such as:

Determining from a URI whether it is a LDPC.
Does this cover your case or do you expect to have to have "more" data 
about the LDP server?  If more data is needed, then what use case is 
motivating this from the client?

It almost feels like we could solve your case by simply introducing a 
predicate that other vocabularies could insert into their models, such as 
ldp:container or ldp:endPoint.

Steve Speicher
IBM Rational Software
OSLC - Lifecycle integration inspired by the web ->

Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 15:21:52 UTC