hello Erik,
> if your goal is to build an RDF-centric version of XForms, then you can do
> that and XForms would be a useful thing to look at and see what worked
> well, and what didn't. however, i'd say that doing this is outside of the
> scope of the WG, and all we can hope for is to use existing specs. URI
> Templates are different from XForms in that the model is much simpler that
> XML or RDF; it's just a bunch of name/value pairs
RDF is a simple as name/value pairs, IMHO, and way simpler than XML.
In the primer that LDP produces, we need to convey this message, I believe.
anyway .... :)
> (with a couple of twists
> such as repeating values and more, depending on the level
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-1.2). but maybe that's better
> than nothing and good enough to drive some of the things we'd like to do.
I can't see how URI templates can be used for directing how request bodies are constructed.
How would that work ?
>> By adding semantics to forms, you end up discovering that a web form
>> is just equivalent to a query - but where the user is the agent answering.
> i think your understanding of forms is limited here. forms do much more
> than drive queries, and a form itself is nothing but a model template
> that's made available by a server, so that a client can complete it
> according to constraints, and then submit an instance of form data to the
> server. driving some query is an important subset of form use cases, but
> not all there is.
> cheers,
> dret.