TPAC-irc-log RDF/XML error

Thanks Joe for pointing this out. I also got an error trying to parse the
ldp irc file with cwm. I'll just forward this to the ldp mailing list.

Btw. Joe is behind one the first LDP like servers:

On 3 Nov 2012, at 23:17, Joe Presbrey <> wrote:

> Did you compile the minutes?
> The first one cannot be parsed by tabulator or raptor:
> $ rapper -i rdfxml -o turtle -c
> rapper: Parsing URI with parser rdfxml
> rapper: Error -  - XML parser error: Input is not proper UTF-8,
> indicate encoding !
> Bytes: 0xE9 0x6C 0xE9 0x63
> rapper: Error - URI -
> Resolving URI failed: Failed writing body (0 != 4344)
> rapper: Failed to parse URI
> rdfxml content
> rapper: Parsing returned 807 triples
> (second one is fine:)
> $ rapper -i rdfxml -o turtle -c
> rapper: Parsing URI with parser rdfxml
> rapper: Parsing returned 9532 triples
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Henry Story <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  TPAC only just finished for me now. It was a very positive and very packed week, where we made big progress in many ways and on many fronts. I sent out summaries for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but it would be difficult to do the same for the last two days right now so I will point you to the very detailed minutes here:
>> -
>> -
>> It has been so busy that I have not been able to respond on the mailing list to questions about what came up in the first half of the week. The LDP group has a teleconf on Monday to help debrief those who could not come to TPAC. This seems like a wise decision, and I think that we should do the same here.
>> I also think that we have gained some major momentum, and we should re-organise some bi-weekly meetings. I have learnt a lot now by observing chairs in their method of proceeding, and the value of the W3C processes in getting people to come to a strong consensus in a happy way.  It would be great if everybody could put down times they would prefer for setting up meetings as we progress to the next stage.
>> If you can't make it for next week, please leave a note on this, but please still fill in the  doodle, so that we can select the best slot for the longer term. If the time slots are not wide enough for all, please let me know.
>> Henry
>> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 09:26:58 UTC