Comments on LDPR PUT


A few comments on LDPR 4.4 PUT.

"4.4.2 LDPR clients should use the HTTP If-Match header.."
Possibly worth noting that "If-Match: *" means only perform the request 
if a representation already exists, and "If-None-Match: *" means only 
perform the request if a representation does not exist.

Any guidance on whether a server can augment the graph being PUT with 
more triples?

"4.4.4 LDPR clients should assume that a LDPR server could discard 
triples" - this feels wrong, an LDPR server should never discard 
triples, only add new ones, thus allowing unexpected reuse, and 
application tier logic to be updated without any change to the data tier.

Would it be wise to include guidance on which response codes to use, and 
combined with which headers?
- 200 + Content-Location matching effective request uri means a current 
representation is in the response payload, with a differing 
content-location it means it's just a message saying something like 
- 201 where Location matches Content-Location means a current 
representation is in the response payload
... expand, cover different combinations, 202 Accepted, 204 No Content etc

No mention in the spec of what to do about headers which apply to the 
resource/representation, like the presence of a Content-Language in the 
PUT request, or a Link header?



Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 01:21:56 UTC