Closing ISSUE-5: Add a section explaining how LDBP is related to Graph Store Protocol

As I was looking closer to the list of open issues I realized that this 
one [1] actually ought to be simply close as is.

Unfortunately at the beginning I failed to make sure that our minutes 
clearly reflected the resolutions we made and looking at our archives I 
can't quite reconstruct the exact history here.

The issue change log reads: "decided at the telcon 9/24/2012: keep it on 
record (OPEN) for now, before we decide what to do." even though the 
minutes from that day [2] don't clearly support that.

At the same time, the week before we decided to address the relationship 
between LDP and GPS by adding a paragraph to the LDP WG page [3].

So, I don't see why we would still want to keep this issue open. As a 
consequence I'm putting this one up for review.
If anyone has any lights to shed on this or wants to object please let me 

Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Monday, 10 December 2012 21:45:11 UTC