- From: Reza B'Far (Oracle) <reza.bfar@oracle.com>
- Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2012 23:01:11 -0700
- To: public-ldp-wg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <501F5DA7.2090204@oracle.com>
Folks - Combination of questions\comments - 1. I assume the spec will be focused on standardization while divorcing any existing implementations. Could you please confirm? 2. I assume the spec will be independent of any language (Java, C, C++, etc.) and libraries (regardless of license). Could you please confirm? One suggestion I have (and Sandro was involved in this) is that folks check out the taxonomy and approach of Prov (http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Main_Page). The fact that the concepts, data models, notations, constraints, ontology, query and access are separated, IMHO, is a hallmark of clean standardization work. It allows implementers to implement part or all of the standard without creating dependencies on vendor-based ecosystems. Furthermore, have the folks who have already started the WG looked at previous and ongoing LD standardization attempts so that we may leverage previous\existing knowledge? If so, is this documented on the wiki? Best. ** On 8/5/12 8:05 AM, Martynas Jusevic(ius wrote: > Hey all, > > I think it would be fair to say that Linked Data is a juxtaposition of > RDF and REST, and therefore a Linked Data platform has to implement > specifications from both worlds. > > I have been hacking a prototype LDP for a while now, and have > distilled generic interfaces that describe it. With this I mean not > some abstract specification, but concrete Java interfaces combining > and reusing interfaces from Jena and JAX-RS, which are main Java > frameworks for RDF and REST, respectively. Here's the base one: > > @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML + "; charset=UTF-8", > MediaType.TEXT_TURTLE + "; charset=UTF-8"}) > @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML + "; charset=UTF-8", > MediaType.TEXT_TURTLE + "; charset=UTF-8"}) > public interface Resource extends LinkedDataResource > { > @GET Response getResponse(); > > @POST Response post(Model model); > > @PUT Response put(Model model); > > @DELETE Response delete(); > > EntityTag getEntityTag(); > > } > > Source: https://github.com/Graphity/graphity-browser/blob/master/src/main/java/org/graphity/ldp/model/Resource.java > > This might or might not be useful when defining an abstract > specification, but I already have multiple web applications > successfully implementing this. > Feedback is very welcome. > > Martynas > graphity.org >
Received on Monday, 6 August 2012 06:02:28 UTC