LDP WG response to i18n-ISSUE-410: Language tags should reference BCP 47

* Steven Atkin <atkin@us.ibm.com> [2015-03-05 10:00-0700]
>     In section 3.0 the definition of a language tag should refer to BCP 47
>     rather than including the definition from Turtle. You might want to
>     consider referencing obs langtag in bcp47

now says [[
Parsers should treat Literals as being composed of a lexical form and
an optional language tag [BCP47] (as used by Turtle [Turtle]) or
datatype IRI.

You'll note that it just follows the convention of RDF specs in
referring to a "languag tag", and not either the "Language-Tag" or
"obs-language-tag" productions. I read the difference as guidance to
folks inventing e.g. language tags for regional dialects, etc.  I'm
not sure how much RDF falls into that camp, rather than simply
representing existing language tags. My temptation is to stick with
the convention so that one spec doesn't apparently contradict another.
Steven, do the edits above (and the preference for intra-spec
consistency over specificity) address i18n-ISSUE-410?

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Received on Friday, 27 March 2015 16:34:58 UTC