Hi Steve,
Thanks for the feed back. I have updated the earl report per your
suggestions and attached it to this email.
On Wed, 2014-10-15 at 10:12 -0400, Steve Speicher wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 9:49 AM, David Wood <david@3roundstones.com>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We understand that the current Callimachus test report at [1]
> suggests that we are still missing three (3) IndirectContainer
> tests that are MUSTs. They are:
> - IndirectContainer-CreateIndirectContainer
> There appears to be missing an earl:Assertion for this one ^
> - IndirectContainer-ContainsLdpcUri
> - IndirectContainer-PostResource
> There are 2 earl:Assertion entries for this test ^ (assuming copy and
> paste error)
> We have tested all three of these manually and claim 100%
> compliance on the MUST IndirectContainer tests. However, we
> aren’t sure how to construct the earl report so that is
> correctly reflected.
> Another earl report is attached, but the earl:mode for these
> three tests is earl:notTested. Can someone tell us how to edit
> this to mark them correctly as tested and passed?
> I'd set:
> earl:mode earl:manual;
> Optionally, it would be good to add also a triple to the earl:result
> (see other earl:manual test assertions) with predicate
> dcterms:description to explain your testing, even if just to say it
> was manually tested.