Re: [LD Patch] All resolutions reflected in the draft


I have implemented the resolution from the meeting this morning re:
symmetry. The four operations are:

* Add: never fails
* Delete: never fails
* AddNew: can fail
* AddExisting: can fail

As a reminder, the plan is to publish as CR this coming Thursday, and
people are invited to make comments before if they see issues.

Andrei, can you take the lead to prepare the document and issue a
PubReq? Thanks.


On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Alexandre Bertails
<> wrote:
> All,
> We are done reflecting all the resolutions for LD Patch [1] we made in
> the past weeks.
> The Change Log now includes:
> * Negative indexes in Path and Slice (ISSUE-102 and ISSUE-104)
> * Add and Delete now takes Turtle as argument (ISSUE-101)
> * New operations AddNew and DeleteAny (ISSUE-103)
> Also, based on a comment from TimBL on "reified rdf:List considered
> harmful", the UpdateList algorithm was moved in an appendix section.
> One more thing: the Error Codes for Delete/AddNew are still 422, and
> not 409. I do agree that most of the time, an error would result from
> a Conflict, but when the server is trying to delete a non-existing
> triple, it has no way to know it was a conflict error at this point
> (you can see that from the code [2]). It could be a regular error from
> the client.
> Cheers,
> Alexandre, for the editors.
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Monday, 15 December 2014 17:21:31 UTC