Further conference report

Dear LDA-fellows 


I had a very interesting conference week. At ICCHP conference [1],
colleagues from the UK talked about their work which seems similar to the
topic of this working group: 


Title: AccessKB: Linked Open Data for Accessible Travel

Authors: Chaohai Ding, E. A. Draffan, Mike Wald

Link to the paper:


This might be a further possible collaboration. 







[1] https://www.icchp.org/programme-icchp 




Dr.-Ing. Claudia Loitsch



Technische Universität Dresden 

Faculty of Computer Science

Institute of Applied Computer Science

Chair of Human-Computer Interaction

01062 Dresden


Tel.: +49 (351) 463-42027

Fax: +49 (351) 463-38491

E-Mail:  <mailto:claudia.loitsch@tu-dresden.de>



Received on Friday, 11 September 2020 13:30:04 UTC