Heads up: call on LIDER roadmap

The LIDER <http://lider-project.eu/> project is gathering feedback on a roadmap for the use of Linguistic Linked Data for content analytics <http://www.lider-project.eu/sites/default/files/D3.2.1-v1.0.pdf>.  As part of this activity, we will have a conference call on 19 February <https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/wiki/Main_Page#LD4LT_calls>. The agenda is as follows.

1) Introduction to the LIDER Roadmap (Philipp Cimiano, 10 minutes)
2) Discussion of Global Customer Engagement Use Cases (All, 10 minutes)
3) Discussion of Public Sector and Civil Society Use Cases (All, 10 minutes)
4) Discussion of Linked Data Life Cycle and Linguistic Linked Data Value Chain (All, 10 minutes)
5) General Discussion on further use cases, items in the roadmap etc. (20 minutes)

In addition, the call will briefly discuss progress of meta-share linked data metadata model.

The call is open to the public, no LD4LT group participation is required. Dial-in information <https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/wiki/Teleconference_logistics> is available. Please spread this information widely. No knowledge about linguistic linked data is required. We especially are interested in feedback from potential users of linguistic linked data.



Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2015 17:24:49 UTC