Fwd: RE: IFC5 Follow up and Exchange buildingSMART and W3C LBD CG

There we go...

From: Georg Schneider <schneidergeorg@gmx.net>
Sent: Friday, 15 January 2021, 22:47
To: Léon van Berlo
Cc: Karl Hammar; Breitenfelder, Katja; Mathias Bonduel; annawagner1337@gmail.com
Subject: Aw: RE: IFC5 Follow up and Exchange buildingSMART and W3C LBD CG

Hi Léon,

Thanks for your response! I did not have a deeper look but just technically the public-lbd@w3.org mailing list would be a good place to circulate this discussion. If OK I would resend there? Else we are happy to loop back the answers in a group call.

Best and have a nice weekend,



Dr.-Ing. Georg Ferdinand Schneider

RG: Georg_Schneider3

> Gesendet: Freitag, 15. Januar 2021 um 19:23 Uhr
> Von: "Léon van Berlo" <leon.vanberlo@buildingsmart.org>
> An: "Georg Schneider" <schneidergeorg@gmx.net>
> Cc: "Karl Hammar" <karl.hammar@jail.ai>, "Breitenfelder, Katja" <katja.breitenfelder@ibp.fraunhofer.de>, "Mathias Bonduel" <mathias.bonduel@kuleuven.be>, "annawagner1337@gmail.com" <annawagner1337@gmail.com>
> Betreff: RE: IFC5 Follow up and Exchange buildingSMART and W3C LBD CG
> Hi all,
> Thank you so much for the opportunity.
> It is really nice to present the IFC5 ideas to people who like them. This is not always the case as you can imagine...
> I'm really looking forward to work closer with you on these developments.
> I don't understand all the questions, but let me try to give it a go.
> Q [Georg]: IFC 4.3 has been “former” IFC5 (Bridge, Road etc.)?
> --> yes, the original idea of infra/rail/etc wat to extend the schema and release an IFC5. For some reason they decided on 4.3. That was before my time, so I don't know why.
> They should have called it IFC5, since it is quite different from IFC 4.2, but it's too late for that now.
> So now IFC5 is 'the new thing' that everybody is afraid of.
> Q [Seppo]: What does “scripting” mean in the context of Léon´s presentation?
> --> IFC 4.3 is currently stored as UML in Enterprise Architect. We are using the internal Enterprise Architect scripting language to transform the structure to IFC5. Andreas Pinzenoehler <andreas.pinzenoehler@iqsoft.com> is the expert with the details.
> Q [Joel, Mads]: Property modelling mechanism should be interesting for a follow up.
> --> yes.
> Q [Mathias]: SHACL based validation, e.g. as currently done in the Flemish Road Agency publishing SHACL and terminology/vocabulary: https://wegenenverkeer.data.vlaanderen.be/. Looking if this Flemish OTL can be entered/linked in the bSDD Q [Anna]: How definitions are grouped/aligned/validated in bSDD Q [Goncal]: Relation and alignment IFC5 and BOT Q
> --> I love SHACL! But currently there is not really a place for that in bSDD. When you  want these advanced linked data technologies, you should use linked data tools. bSDD is the layman's tool to make some first steps towards publishing data as TTL and have it available over a GraphQL API. The target group are the people who don't understand linked data, but do want to profit from it. Complex linked data technologies are on the backlog of bSDD, but that is years (no, multiple years) away.
> --> the Amsterdam OTL has recently been put in the bSDD. I think I showed it in de presentation. We are even using their URIs. An example can be found on https://search.bsdd.buildingsmart.org/?SearchText=wand&Command=Search&TypeFilter=All&SelectedDomains=%3B16%3B

> [Katja]: How can an engagement of the W3C LBD CG could look like? -Also to be discussed internally-
> Q [Georg]: Is there a plan to revive a “Linked Data @ buildingSMART technical room”? (former Linked Data Working Group inside bSI)
> --> I see the W3C LBD as the group that does Linked Data for IFC (and broader buildingSMART).
> The formal Linked data working group inside bSI where just the same people with a different group name. That never made sense to me.
> I would love to formalize the engagement, but I'm more interested to get things done and make actual progress on the content.
> Hope this is the start of follow up questions again 😊
> Have a nice weekend!
> Greetings,
> Léon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Georg Schneider <schneidergeorg@gmx.net>
> Sent: 14 January 2021 18:09
> To: Léon van Berlo <leon.vanberlo@buildingsmart.org>
> Cc: Karl Hammar <karl.hammar@jail.ai>; Breitenfelder, Katja <katja.breitenfelder@ibp.fraunhofer.de>; Mathias Bonduel <mathias.bonduel@kuleuven.be>; annawagner1337@gmail.com
> Subject: IFC5 Follow up and Exchange buildingSMART and W3C LBD CG
> Dear Léon,
> thank you again for joining us on the latest LBD CG call. There has been a great interest and we would be glad to schedule a follow up call to dive into the remaining questions and continue the discussions. I CC: our new co-chairs, which will contact you to find a suitable date.
> Please note that we have a call dedicated to property modelling in linked building data organised by Michel Böhms and Richard Pinka on the 26 January 2021 ( Invite will be sent out soon).
> The following questions appeared after you had to leave the call:
> Discussion (pending questions)
> Q [Georg]: IFC 4.3 has been “former” IFC5 (Bridge, Road etc.)?
> Q [Seppo]: What does “scripting” mean in the context of Léon´s presentation?
> Q [Joel, Mads]: Property modelling mechanism should be interesting for a follow up.
> Q [Mathias]: SHACL based validation, e.g. as currently done in the Flemish Road Agency publishing SHACL and terminology/vocabulary: https://wegenenverkeer.data.vlaanderen.be/. Looking if this Flemish OTL can be entered/linked in the bSDD Q [Anna]: How definitions are grouped/aligned/validated in bSDD Q [Goncal]: Relation and alignment IFC5 and BOT Q [Katja]: How can an engagement of the W3C LBD CG could look like? -Also to be discussed internally- Q [Georg]: Is there a plan to revive a “Linked Data @ buildingSMART technical room”? (former Linked Data Working Group inside bSI)
> Best
> Georg
> --
> Dr.-Ing. Georg Ferdinand Schneider
> RG: Georg_Schneider3

Received on Sunday, 17 January 2021 23:04:08 UTC