[W3C LBD] Product ontology pull request

Hi all,

Just wanted to notify you of the pull request I made in the Product GIT repo: https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/product/pull/12.

I added concepts to a PRODUCT ontology that can be found under the IFC subtrees of Building Element. This results in two 'sub-ontologies', one on buildingElement, one on MEP. seeAlso links are maintained to the ifcOWL ontology classes from which these classes originate (no direct mapping!). Labels and comments come straight from the bSDD. The links with the relevant bSDD concepts are maintained as well.
Further content can clearly still be added:

  *   other languages (via bsdd concepts?)
  *   missing products
  *   links to other existing ontologies (mappings)

A review and further additions are highly appreciated, not to mention usage in existing and new software and use cases.

kind regards,


dr. ir.-arch. Pieter Pauwels
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ghent University, Belgium

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 13:36:39 UTC