Re: JLReq TF meeting notes 2019 June 12th

Hi Kida-san, all,

2019年6月17日(月) 17:04 Yasuo Kida <>:
> Question to Richard
> Which GitHub issues should be used to track the work of developing i18n tests?

Richard, Atsushi and me just discussed this. For new tests, our
thoughts are starting them in the jlreq repo until tests are ready to
submit to the i18n tests suite - then handle any detailed issues in
the i18n-tests repo.

For existing tests in the i18n test suite, we should (also) raise an
issue in jlreq initially to discuss how to proceed, then raise an
issue agains the tests in the test repo, and track that issue there.



Received on Monday, 17 June 2019 16:15:32 UTC