Re: 次回、第3回ミーティング

ah, yes, now I remember. We’ll cover it at the next meeting. Thank you for reminding me.

- kida

> 2019/06/03 23:04、r12a <>のメール:
> On 03/06/2019 15:01, Yasuo Kida wrote:
>>> Perhaps, also, how to handle the multilingual glossary - or did it miss that?
>> Sure. Is it about how it should look, e.g. configuration of columns?
> There was a short mail exchange about this previously (and i believe that led to a suggestion to discuss during FTF).  The question is whether to keep the English and Japanese tables separate (as is currently the case), or to merge them (which makes it easier to handle link ids).  And if merged, what gets merged and how.
> hth,
> ri

Received on Monday, 3 June 2019 14:07:33 UTC