Status of jlreq multilingual doc & proposal to replace current version

I think we are almost ready to replace the current editor's drafts for 
jlreq (en & ja) with the new multilingual version of the document.  Here 
are what i think are remaining steps, none of which block moving the new 
version into place, i think:

[1] i may remove the script that adds lang attributes after loading and 
add the lang attributes to the document source, see

[2] there's an issue with the links to #term.illustrations which i can't 
figure out

[3] although i tried to be very careful, there may be some bugs related 
to the conversion (rather than existing already).  Atsushi, could you 
look through the document to see if you can spot any?  (If the issue 
exists in the older jlreq docs, such as links in the english but not the 
japanese and vice versa, we should probably add those to separate issues 
- i just want to catch any new issues that may have been introduced by 
the conversion process.)

[4] When we make the move, i propose to tidy up the repository a little 
by moving the dependent files into a subdirectory, eg. table_en files to 
index_data/table_en, etc. (same for local.css and script.js).  We should 
also move the current index.html and ja subdirectory into a new 
directory called previousversion (or some such name).

[5] we still need to resolve the question about how to handle the 
glossary (pending ftf meeting discussion).

[6] we should look at some of the current text in the introduction and 
update it. For example, to say that it was *formerly* developed by 
participants in several working groups, but that now it is being 
maintained by the jlreq task force.

please let me know very quickly if there are any objections to any of 
the above points, so that i can make the changes.  That will then allow 
us to begin making the errata changes etc that are needed.


Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2019 08:38:19 UTC