JLReq TF meeting notes, 2019 March 12th

JLReq TF kick off meeting notes
2019 March 12th @ MediaDo Holdings.

(日本語版は明日送ります。I will send the Japanese version tomorrow.)

In sum it is a fruitful meeting with rich contents. The photo from the meeting attached at the end. Feedback welcome. 

Kobayashi, Tatsuo
Kobayashi, Toshi (Bin-sensei)
McCully, Nat
Murakami, Shinyu
Murata, Makoto
Shimono, Atsushi
Takase, Hiroshi
Kida, Yasuo

Planned agenda
Member introduction, knowing who we are.
Sorting out tasks so we can start estimating the volume of the work.
JLReq document updates/errata
Gap Analysis
Other topics to discuss?
Wrap up

JLReq updates
Errata: There are only a small number filed on GitHub. Bin-sensei who authored most of the initial draft of JLReq keeps his own errata. Also, the current document on the web has many stale links.
Archiving: The original document and images that were used to generate the current html on the web have not been archived. It would be wise to archive them all.
Merging J&E html: Shimono-San proposed to merge the English and Japanese html to make maintenance easier and to make it consistent with other languages. agreed. It is easier to come up with the merged html from the original document which has Japanese and English in parallel already. Once the merged html is created future updates will be done on this file.
Process: Roughly the process will be:
Dig up all original files
Fix known errors on the original document
Reformat the document and come up with a J-E merged html.
Fix stale links
Action items
Shimono-san will send errata in GitHub on ML
Kobayashi-san will dig up the original document and send it on ML
Bin-sensei will dig up the original image files and somehow send them to Shimono-san for archiving
Bin-sensei will fix known errors (minus stale links) on the original document, send it on ML
Shimono-san will come up with J-E merged html. Also fix stale links.

Gap Analysis
One of the initial goal of the meeting was to review items in the Gap Analysis page so we can start estimating the work. A few members pointed out however that some important features are missing from the current list of items. One example is managing spaces (refer to the link below). Vivliostyle has in the past submitted a gap analysis to W3C. JAGAT is also working on a gap analysis. Agreed to review them to come up with a possible list of additional items to the Gap Analysis.
c.f. https://speakerdeck.com/nmccully/advanced-cjk-typography-evolving-from-dtp-to-web-layout?slide=19 <https://speakerdeck.com/nmccully/advanced-cjk-typography-evolving-from-dtp-to-web-layout?slide=19>
Action items
Nat to come up with a list of features that he recognizes as important in the market from his experience but are not covered by the current Gap Analysis page. It might include features that are not mentioned in JLReq.
Murakami-san will come up with comparison of the following four documents:
The current Gap Analysis page
The gap analysis submitted by Vivliostyle (https://www.w3.org/Submission/2017/01/ <https://www.w3.org/Submission/2017/01/>)
The gap analysis JAGAT is working on (the next meeting is on 4/17).
The prioritized request from EBPAJ.

Other topics
Getting feedback: At the JEPA seminar held on the previous day, there was a comment that using GitHub to provide feedback is way too hard for them. Discussed how we can gather inputs these people who are willing to provide feedback. Agreed JAGAT is in the best position to do it and funnel inputs through to W3C. 
Recruiting: Agreed to invite Mr. Tajima who is one of the main contributor in JAGAT X-PUB (formally known as XML publishing) subgroup.
Style guide: There were some enlightening discussions. Bin-sensei pointed out that however the JLReq describes various line layout features that are in use today, it does not offer help in determining which style should be used in particular cases and their priorities, and that there should be such a document. Nat added that there are documents for implementers but there aren’t much documents for people who use CSS. Probably it is outside of the scope of the TF but nonetheless it is an interesting open issue.
Action items
Murakami-san to discuss within JAGAT ways to gather input from wider audience.
Kida to contact Mr. Tajima to invite him to the TF.

Next meeting
Considering there are more to discuss we agreed to hold another face to face meeting in a month. Considering the Golden Week holiday (10 days), it is agreed to have the next meeting towards the end of May. To make it easier for Nat to call in the end time will be before 1 pm JST. Kida to work on determining the date. 

Received on Saturday, 13 April 2019 17:05:08 UTC