Draft agenda, 15 October 2024

Hi folks,

I’m still getting the hang of agendas for this group. Here’s my latest attempt:

* Agenda

This meeting will be hosted on Google Meet at 15:00BST (14:00GMT, 16:00CEST, 10:00EDT).

* Administrivia

** Roll call

** Select a scribe

NTW to scribe, or in his absence JWL.

** Approve the agenda

** Review of open action items [4/12]

(Items marked [X] are believed to have been closed via email before
this agenda was posted.)

+ [X] 2024-10-01-a: NW to add xsltforms implementation to the website
+ [ ] 2024-10-01-b: SP to try out the renaming to a string.
+ [X] 2024-10-01-c: NTW to draft prose that expands on the discrepancy in names between iXML and XML in more detail.
+ [X] 2024-10-01-d: NTW to make sure that pragmas are on the agenda for next time.
+ [ ] 2024-10-01-e: SP to review the ixml tests and correct the grammar
+ [ ] 2024-10-01-f: SP to make a PR to add his version to the repsoitory.

+ [ ] 2024-08-06-a?, SP to draft a PR to address #263 (serialization of attributes)

+ [ ] 2023-01-10-f: NTW to do a bit of revision to improve
  the draft documentation of the XML vocabulary (see #137) for further

+ [ ] 2024-03-05-c: SP to prepare pull request to resolve issue #139 (new grammars, new README).

+ [ ] 2024-03-19-a: SP to contact W3C to get the report links fixed on the report and ixml group pages: https://www.w3.org/community/reports/ https://www.w3.org/community/ixml/ Both pages have links which return a 404.

+ [X] 2024-04-30-a: NTW to propose wording for possible changes to status reporting, with particular respect to reporting of iXML version used by processor.

+ [ ] 2024-04-30-b: Bethan to open an issue on whether to adopt a scheme to distinguish 'major' from 'minor' versions in version numbers.

* Status reports

* Broken links on the CG and CG Reports pages

Status update?

* Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues

** Issues against the 1.0 specification


** Pragmas

Per the minutes of last time, we definitely want to discuss pragmas this week.

Related issues:

+ Issue #265: Use pragmas for the prolog?
+ Issue #254: Extend the prolog to support arbitrary metadata
+ Issue #235: Problems with prolog
+ Issue #234: Alternative syntaxes for prolog

** Issues against the current specification
+ Issue #271: Changes to status reporting
+ Issue #270: Is the section title "IXML in IXML" confusing?
+ Issue #268: When is a letter not a letter?
+ Issue #263: Serialization of attributes
+ Issue #250: In spec grammar, alias delimiter ">" should be hidden
+ Issue #248: schemas for vxml grammars need updating
+ Issue #137 We should document the XML tag set that results from parsing an ixml grammar with the ixml specification grammar

** Issues relating to the test suite

+ Issue #266: iXML tests involving an earlier version of the spec.
+ Issue #246: Tests needed for linebreak normalization

** Issues for v.Next

+ Issue #249: A 'Subtraction' operator feature
+ Issue #239: Support simple data types?
+ Issue #168: Dynamic naming / name from the input data
+ Issue #75: Combining grammars (for v.Next) feature

** Issues relating to the website and ancillary documents

+ Issue #139: https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/blob/master/samples/URI/rfc-3987.ixml

* Next meeting

Normal date and time for ixml meetings is every other Tuesday at 3 pm British Time, 4 pm Central European Time (14:00 UTC during summer time, 15:00 UTC during winter time). For the foreseeable future, we meet in weeks whose numbers in the ISO week numbering are even.

On the usual schedule, the next meeting would be Tuesday, 29 October. Our meetings are scheduled on European civil time. In Europe and the United Kingdom, summer time ends on 27 October. On the usual schedule, our next meeting will be at *15:00* UTC for one hour.

For the record: the current state of the minute-taking rota is:

+ John Lumley, 2024-03-19
+ Steven Pemberton, 2024-08-20
+ Norm Tovey-Walsh, 2024-10-01

* Any other business

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 14 October 2024 12:36:30 UTC