action 2024-02-20-a ? links to our report

We closed action 2024-02-20-a at today's meeting on the grounds that the
links have now all been fixed.

But they do not seem to me to have all been fixed; am I doing something

On page <> there are two links labeled
"Invisible XML Specification".

  - The one under "final reports" goes to
    which I think is correct.

  - The one under "drafts" goes to
    <>, which I
    think is not correct.

    I don't understand current W3C policies well enough to know whether
    it should go to <> or should only
    point to something in W3C 'community reports' space.

On page <>, when I find the heading
"Invisible Markup Community Group" and click on the "Read more" icon, I
see one link under the heading "Drafts", which goes to

I have confirmed as well as I can that this is not due to a stale cache.

Can anything be done?  It seems slightly embarrassing to have broken
links on our W3C pages.


C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2024 16:40:00 UTC