Unicode versions


Since Unicode is an open standard, it is important not to over-specify the 
version number. Wherever the precise behavior of all Unicode characters 
needs to be cited, the full three-field version number should be used, as 
below in example (1).

1 The Unicode Standard, Version 3.1.1
2 The Unicode Standard, Version 3.1
3 The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0 or later
4 The Unicode Standard

Where the precise character repertoire is significant, but the precise 
character properties are not at issue, then the third field can be omitted, 
as in  example (2). Where some basic level of content is all that is 
important, phrasing such as in example (3) can be used. Where the important 
information is simply the overall architecture and semantics of the Unicode 
Standard, the version can be omitted entirely, as in example (4)."

"Reference Examples
The format for references to The Unicode Standard, Unicode Standard 
Annexes, and other Unicode Technical Reports is illustrated by the 
following examples. For the actual citations for references to each version 
of the standard, see the Archive of Unicode Versions.

The Unicode Standard, Latest Version

The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0.0, (Mountain 
View, CA: The Unicode Consortium, 2022. ISBN 978-1-936213-32-0)

The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard.


Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 20:25:54 UTC