Re: ACTION 2023-02-07-a: Steven to make Pull Request for Unicode test

"C. M. Sperberg-McQueen" <> writes:

> Like Steven, I found my first experiences with git painful and
> frustrating.  Tom Hillman recommended a GUI interface for git
> (unfortunately, I cannot remember what it was called), which helped me a
> great deal.

Tom reminds me that it was Fork.

> When I moved from the Mac to my current Linux box, I
> shifted to MaGit, which is convenient for emacs users.

For what it's worth, MaGit's way of dividing up the world remains very
close to that of command-line git, which made it feel a little more
daunting at first than Fork had been.  But I find the MaGit
documentation very helpful -- less carefully neutral than the git
documentation and thus a bit more informative.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2023 23:10:44 UTC