Re: what do -['a'; ^'b'] and ^['a'; -'b'] mean?

So an inclusion currently looks like this: 

 ["0"-"9"; "+-()."; #d; L]


           <range from='0' to='9'/>
    <literal string="+-()."/>
    <literal hex='d'/>
           <class code='L'/>

Since all meaningful (semantic) characters go in attributes, I propose

           <member from='0' to='9'/>
    <member string='+-().'/>
    <member hex='d'/>
           <member class='L'/>

@from and @to would continue to allow as now e.g. from='#d'

Look OK?


On Monday 14 March 2022 19:39:02 (+01:00), C. M. Sperberg-McQueen wrote:

> Unless I am reading the specification grammar wrong, inclusions and
> exclusions contain sets, which contain members, which can be literals.
> Inclusions, exclusions, and literals can all carry tmarks.
> What does it mean to have a tmark both on an inclusion or exclusion and
> on a member literal?
> {1} ['a'; 'b']
> {2} ['a'; -'b']
> {3} ['a'; ^'b']
> {4} -['a'; 'b']
> {5} -['a'; -'b']
> {6} -['a'; ^'b']
> {7} ^['a'; 'b']
> {8} ^['a'; -'b']
> {9} ^['a'; ^'b']
> If I am reading the grammar correctly, all of the above are
> gramamatical, but what do items 2-8 mean? (And especially 2, 6, and 8,
> where the two tmarks conflict?)
> I think it might be wise to revise the grammar so that tmarks are not
> allowed on character set members. Am I wrong?
> Michael

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2022 14:39:34 UTC