editorial comments on spec of 2022-06-02

Reading the spec this morning, I find very few editorial issues to
mention, but I do find a few.

1 After the XML parse tree for the XHTM spec URI, perhaps insert

    (Here and in other examples, whitespace has been added to the XML
    for legibility.)

If not here, then somewhere.  Otherwise, the formatting of the URI
example will be very confusing to attentive readers who pay attention to
the rules for XML character data.

2 At the end of the last paragraph of the Prolog section, perhaps add

    In either case, the document element of the output **must** include
    an attribute named ixml:state, with the token 'version-mismatch' in
    its value.  The ixml namespace URI is "http://invisiblexml.org/NS".

3 In the section on Parsing, if the immediately preceding suggestion has
  been taken, the sentence 'The ixml namespace URI is
  "http://invisiblexml.org/NS".' can and probably should be deleted.

4 In the section on serialization, for

    invalid characters **must not** be serialized (error D04)


    non-XML characters **must not** be serialized (error D04)

5 In the list of errors, for




(twice, in S06 and S07).

6 Perhaps the Acknowledgements section should include (at the end of the
  first paragraph) the sentence

    Other current and former members of the group have contributed as

7 In contexts like this, I normally use the name form

    C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Monday, 6 June 2022 17:40:34 UTC