Build automation

Hello folks,

I believe I have successfully setup build automation for the Invisible
XML home page. On commits to the master branch, we:

1. Update the current editorial draft of Invisible XML
2. Update the browseable test catalog

It worked today, but keep your eyes open for issues.

I’d like to work on refining our workflow further.

I’m thinking that we should all make commits to the ‘ixml’ repository
exclusively through approved pull requests. (No more naughty making
commits directly to the repo.)

I think we could also use tags to establish what we consider the current
consensus draft, as distinct from whatever is currently in the editorial
draft. (That means we can be a little more aggressive about trying out
changes in the editorial drafts.)

I also want to setup automatic diffs, but that will require learning how
to store “secrets” in GitHub workflows and isn’t likely to happen before
next week, at the earliest.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2022 10:20:14 UTC