Re: what I learned from today's discussion of delimiters

On 26/01/2022 07:54, Dave Pawson wrote:
> Issue - minor.
>     I'm assuming we pick a non ASCII delimiter. In emacs, easy. What
> experience do we
> have of other editors on other OS's? How easy is it to generate a
> visible Unicode glyph
> on other editors?

At risk of being shot down in flames, there is an ASCII 'bracket' pair 
that we aren't currently using, neither of which appears, as far as I 
can see,  in the IXML grammar,

    viz: '<' and '>'.

Now I know there are other (alright perhaps many) reasons to suggest 
avoiding them, but they won't currently appear outside strings in any 
valid IXML and are seen as 'container pairs', and are certainly ASCII.

Just for sake of some completeness....


*John Lumley* MA PhD CEng FIEE

Received on Thursday, 27 January 2022 11:50:41 UTC