Re: Further thoughts on delimiter choices

Tom Hillman <> writes:
> If standardising on "=" means that we can include colons in XML names,
> I think that it is well worth it.
> And we should review the possibility of including XML namespaces in
> v1. 

I’m still a relative newcomer to the CG, so I’m not sure how we came to
the conclusion that namespaces were a issue. I’ve just taken it
as a sort of decided point.

My perspective is:

1. Users will demand namespaces. There’s no avoiding it. If we don’t
   support them, users will persuade implementors to support them
   through some non-interoperable, implementation defined mechanism.
   (Yes, everything you could do with namespaces in ixml, you could
   do with other means in a larger system. Users will still demand
   them in ixml.)

2. It would be better to get them in v1 because we have more-or-less
   complete design freedom today. After we ship v1, there will be a
   natural pressure to not break things. Lots of our current freedoms
   will become more-or-less expensivedoms.

3. If we can persuade ourselves that the only requirement in ixml 1.0
   for namespaces is that a namespace well-formed data model is
   constructed, it doesn’t look like a lot of work. (If we feel that
   namespace support cannot be added without options to control the
   serialization of that data model in a variety of ways for different
   use cases, then it’s a lot harder. OTOH, seem point 2.)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2022 13:02:10 UTC