Re: non-XML characters (e.g. #1)

> On 3,Jan2022, at 8:11 AM, Liam R. E. Quin <> wrote:
> ...
> If someone wants malformed XML as output, maybe that should be allowed
> too?

That doesn’t appeal very much to me.  I *think* that is motivated by
general principles of interoperability and clarity (‘intentionally malformed
output that looks like XML’ will surely be described as XML by people
who don’t care about the details), and not *solely* by the fact that for 
my processor to produce non-XML output would be tedious.

I think if someone knows what they are doing well enough to be
taken seriously when they say they want malformed output, they
probably know how to make a well-formed version of their data that
captures the information they want.


Received on Monday, 3 January 2022 16:05:06 UTC