Re: A BibTeX grammar

John Lumley <> writes:
> Might this not be a case where parsing into XML might give some useful
> insight… if so how might the ‘sensitivity’ be indicated?

Indeed, John! It is difficult to missunderstand the XML version!

   <rule name="entry">
         <literal tmark="-" string="@"/>
         <nonterminal mark="@" name="type"/>
            <nonterminal name="s"/>
         <literal tmark="-" string="{"/>
            <nonterminal name="s"/>
         <nonterminal mark="@" name="citekey"/>
            <nonterminal name="fields"/>
            <nonterminal name="s"/>
               <literal tmark="-" string="}"/>

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Friday, 18 February 2022 07:48:54 UTC