Re: *which* alternative that matches nothing? (was Re: repetition)

> On 16,Dec2021, at 10:31 AM, Dave Pawson <> wrote:
> ...
>> That is why I say that []? is a way of writing the empty sequence.
>> It recognizes a set of input sequences that contains the empty
>> sequence and no other sequences.
> How to avoid having this discussion a thousand times over in the future?
> Is it feasible to extract 'implementer' notes (with this inclusion) and
> a simpler (glossed) term for users? Perhaps 'glossed over' more accurately.
> Estimate: For each MSM there are 10^n DP's | those not exposed to set theory.
> <grin/>

Good question:  I think maybe

- use empty comments ourselves, in our examples and (as
Norm suggested) in the rewritings shown in the implementor 

- comment that we do so in order to make it easier to
see that there is an alternative which contains nothing
and matches the empty sequence

That should cover people who wonder how to write 
an expression which matches the empty sequence.

Very few people are conscious of wanting to write an expression
whose language is the empty set, so I don’t think we need 
to explain in the spec how to do that.  If I’m right, they will 
all be people with automata theory on their minds, and 
those people should have little trouble picking up on the
fact that [] is such an expression.


Received on Thursday, 16 December 2021 18:00:18 UTC