Re: parsing URI (references) according to RFC 3986

On 2011-06-19 06:54, Adam Barth wrote:
> ...
> The test suite above should be easy to parse and deal with.
> ...

Well, last time I checked it wasn't easy to me.

> By the way, how does your proposal deal with the fact that different
> schemes are parsed different?

The proposal to use RFC 3986?

Schemes are not supposed to parse differently. When it happens, it's a 

That being said, to handle a specific scheme differently requires 
extracting the scheme component first, right?

Once you have done this, you can apply any kind of post-processing to 
the individual components to get the scheme specific handling you want. 
I *did* mention this in my mail:

> - optional postprocessing (fix non-ASCII characters in query parameter when not originating from UTF-8 encoded document; maybe scheme-specific cleanup).

Best regards, Julian

Received on Sunday, 19 June 2011 07:46:18 UTC