Re: draft-duerst-iri-07.txt: 2 week mailing list last call

Hello Graham,

I have listed this as issue normRef-33.

At 12:02 04/05/10 +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:

>I think RFC2119 should appear under Normative references, not Informative.


>I don't know about this, but should [UNIV4] and [UNI9] be normative?

They are referenced in a normative sentence in the bidi section, so
yes, fixed. I guess we could move [UNIV4] out of that, if we really
want (our reference practice seems to lean towards ISO 10646,
rather than Unicode).

Michel, what do you think? Can you have a look at it?
I guess the reference to 10646 may also need updating,
can you give me the newest version?

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 05:27:49 UTC